Monday 9 February 2015

How Mindful Eating Can Help You Lose Weight + 5 Tips to Get Started

Snacking while cooking dinner, eating while writing emails, munching on the drive to work. Multitasking might save time, but when it comes to eating there is also a cost: distraction.
Multitasking while eating makes it challenging to be mindful. Ever sat in front of the TV with a bag of chips or a bowl of ice cream and magically, the food vanishes before your eyes and you wonder what that last bite tasted like? Or maybe you find yourself at 10PM with calories remaining for the day so you go for the cookies, despite still feeling full from dinner. Whether eating is a result of physical or emotional distraction, both have the same end result: mindless eating.
Mindful eating is being aware of the taste, texture, aroma, presentation, and your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Getting to know your hunger and fullness is the secret to losing the weight for good and keeping it off.
1. Eat with balance. Eating a variety of foods at each meal not only provides balanced nutrition, it can also help with meal satisfaction. Make sure that your plate has 3 foods: Fiber, Fat, and Protein. These three ingredients take the longest to break down causing a slower release of energy and keeping you fuller for longer. Find fibers through fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Opt for healthy fats like avocado, nuts, nut butters, seeds, and olive oils. Get protein from a variety of sources including meat, fish, poultry, tofu, tempeh, beans, and nuts.
2. Time your meals. If you’ve been dieting or eating sporadically for some time, it’s time to recalibrate your hunger and fullness meter. Many people say that when they begin mindful eating that they don’t really feel hungry or full; that’s likely because your hunger and fullness meter is off. Begin to get back on track by eating food in regular intervals, about every 4 hours or so–paying close attention to portion size. This is enough time for your body to recognize the swings in energy levels without getting overly hungry. Keep in mind if you still are not hungry after 4-5 hours of eating, you might have eaten a bit too much at that last meal. Not to worry though! Simply wait until your body tells you it needs more fuel in the tank before eating again. Check out this article to dive deeper into understanding and listening to your hunger cues.
3. Be Present. It can’t be overstated that to become a mindful eater, the mind and body must be present with the plate. Eat with intention, turn off the TV and shut down the computer while dining at the table. Distracted eating is a major contributor to unintentional overeating. Focusing on your meal or snack will not only lead to greater enjoyment of whatever you’re eating but a greater awareness of your hunger and satiety cues.
4. Know your numbers. Becoming aware of the body’s internal cues to hunger and fullness will keep blood sugar stable and increase energy levels. Mindful eating requires trusting the body to know “how much” food is needed and when to stop. When you sit down to a meal ask yourself, “How hungry am I”, and give it a number from 1 to 10 with 1 being starving and 10 being stuffed. We tend to eat with our eyes over our stomachs; mindful eating is a turn from that norm. Even though mindful eating is a skill we were born with and have lost along the way, it will take some time to relearn. Instead of eating on autopilot and cleaning your plate out of habit, challenge yourself to put the fork down when you are actually satisfied (6-7) vs. stuffed (8-9). Remember to not let your body get overly hungry and eat when you feel a gentle hunger (3).
5. Accept the here and now. So you want to make changes to your body composition and/or lose some weight, first start with loving your body just the way it is. If you find that you cannot accept yourself as you are, this is the first place to start on your mindful eating journey. The confidence that you find from within will keep you grounded and able to trust your body enough to be a mindful eater.
Mindful eating takes guts and can be scary, but on the other side there is freedom from the diet trap. Consider weight loss and improved body composition as a side effect of eating mindfully, instead of the end goal. For some this step can be achieved by finding an activity that you truly enjoy, cleaning out the closet and buying clothes that fit and look fabulous on you, or tossing the scale if it’s defining your self worth every time you step on it.
Lastly, remember to be patient with yourself as you begin eating mindfully. You might not feel good at it at first, but like with anything practice is key. Keep focused on your true goals and weight loss will be a side effect of your new healthful relationship with food.

Spirulina powder is a natural algae powder !! check out the benefits....

Spirulina Powder

Spirulina powder is a natural algae powder which is highly rich in nutrients and protein. This powder largely comprises of essential amino acids, iron and protein. It is also famed for being rich in B-12 content. Organic Spirulina is used for making a variety of healthy supplements:

Product Review For The Nutrex Hawaiian Spirulina Powder

For those who don’t know, Spirulina is a natural and nutritious micro plant found in salt water. The plant is essentially aNutrex Hawaiian Spirulina Powder Review spiral-form algae and is a very rich food source. While it has always been consumed by various communities around the world as a daily diet, in modern times, Spirulina is seen to be an exotic form of dietary supplements.
It features many health benefits including boosting the immune system, improve digestion, increase endurance, acts as a detoxifier, an energy booster, and controls appetite. One of its major benefits is also its protein content which is 3-4 times higher than the same protein found in other protein heavy foods such as fish or chicken. Known as the building blocks to life, protein is needed for tissue growth and muscles.
In terms of supplements, the higher the quality of the amino acid provided by the supplement, the higher quality the protein will be. As a result, Spirulina is believed to be one of the most optimal protein supplements because it contains all 22 amino acids for protein to be produced. The added benefit is that Spirulina is a plant life and thus its proteins are more digestible, allowing the body to consume the protein without needing to break down animal products.
One of the best ways to consume Spirulina is by using Spirulina powder. These are usually dark green colored powders that are great to be included in drinks such as smoothies. Due to its naturally digestible state, Spirulina powder is known to provide instantaneous energy boost and can be a quick and easy way to boost you up between meals or serve as a meal substitute.
Spirulina powder can however be toxic and become contaminated when they are not harvested correctly (other algae may get be mixed in). Hence, relying on a good Spirulina producer is important. The Nutrek Hawaiian Spirulina powder contains 100% Spirulina and has had a perfect record in terms of quality and safety. The packet contains consumption directions and other relevant information. The company also answers questions about their product online.